Business Assistance, Homelessness & a Housing Initiative from the Bend Chamber


Winter is officially here! The coming weeks look to be a snowy wonderland or a good excuse to stay inside (depending on your perspective). No matter if you’ll be playing in the snow or staying indoors, you can find information on plowing, sidewalk shoveling and other snow-related items at

Ben Hemson, Business Advocate for the City of Bend, offers lots of information and updates in his newsletter. Read on for updates on business assistance, efforts to address homelessness in our community and more.

Business Assistance Opportunities

The economic impact of the pandemic didn’t end with the lifting of business restrictions; if your business continues to struggle to fill funding gaps, here are a few opportunities to be aware of right now.

Local Business Grants: The Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC) is currently accepting applications for $1.5 million in grant funding for Deschutes County businesses impacted by the pandemic. Applications will be accepted through January 7 at 11:59pm; all applications will be reviewed before awards are made. You can find more information and apply here.

Economic Injury Disaster Loans: The Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) were a key tool for business assistance right as the pandemic began, before being overshadowed by the Paycheck Protection Program and other federal business assistance efforts. The EIDL program is currently winding down, applications will be accepted through December 31. You can find more program information here.

If you are considering an application, or need help filing one, the great team at the Small Business Development Center at COCC are an excellent resource.

Masks for Businesses: With state masking requirements still in place for indoor public areas, and not looking likely to be removed in the short term, we still have paper disposable masks available at no cost for businesses in need. Here are the details:

  • Masks are provided in boxes of 20, most businesses have received between 200 and 500 based on their perceived need. If you represent a group of businesses or a commercial area and would like a larger mask allocation, please reach out to us.
  • Businesses can pick up masks between 9am and 4pm Monday-Friday at the Permit Center Counter at Bend City Hall (710 NW Wall Street).
  • Please bring a bag or box to pick up your masks.

Have you sought assistance for your business but found the available programs or grants didn’t meet your needs or that you weren’t eligible? I’d like to hear from you as we continue to discuss where additional business support is necessary. Please reach out.

A Note on Homelessness

If you’ve been following local headlines and discourse, you’re well aware that homelessness is a growing issue in Bend. As the Bend City Council has held discussions on addressing this issue, I’ve heard from folks that are confused, concerned, dealing with direct impacts on their business or calling for the removal of camps. State and Federal legal rulings don’t simply allow for a camp to be disbanded; an editorial in The Bulletin this week highlighted the situation we’re in:

“When homeless camps in Bend are removed, it may feel like victory. It’s hollow. It breaks up a camp. It doesn’t break homelessness. It’s not like there are good other places for people to go. Shelters are full. People just must move and go someplace else. Service providers can lose track of them because of the disruption. And that doesn’t help get people where they can transition into a better situation.”

To help get people off the street, the City, County and homeless service providers must have alternatives to camping on public land and rights of way. The City is looking at options, and has funding to enter into short-term agreements with land or building owners, as Councilor Megan Perkins discussed in a recent guest column in The Bulletin:

“I’m calling on anyone with an empty building. Can we lease your space for four months for a shelter? I’m calling on churches, schools and other community organizations. Can we do safe parking in your parking lot or use part of your building? I’m calling on businesses. How can you offer your skills and creativity to find us warm locations for our houseless? And I’m calling on all of us. Can you help think of safe ways of staying warm? We have the funds. What we don’t have is the space or the human-power to be able to finish the job.”

If you have an available space you’d be interested in leasing for the winter, or ideas on how to address the crisis, please reach out. I’m happy to have an informal conversation with you before connecting you with the team working on the homeless crisis.

As policy discussions continue at the Council level, you can keep track of the latest news at If your business or business neighbors have questions, concerns or feedback I hope you’ll get in touch.

Bend Chamber is Seeking Your Input

As Deschutes County’s unemployment rate continues to sink, employers are struggling to fill open positions across the spectrum of wages and expertise. Our partners at the Bend Chamber of Commerce are seeking your input on the impact of housing prices on your ability to attract talent via their Workforce Housing Initiative.

You can check out their efforts to this point here and take the Chamber’s employer survey here.

If you’d have told me in March 2020 that in December 2021 I’d be sharing news on the continued impacts of a global pandemic, a homelessness crisis and a shortage of available employees, I’d have been disheartened; perhaps you are as well.

Despite the gloomy news, I continue to meet with business owners that are finding innovative ways to offer their services, remain focused on taking care of their employees and are looking to expand. Thank you for each of your continued efforts despite two years of economic headwinds.

I hope you have a safe and happy holiday season and wish you plenty of success in 2022. As always, thank you for choosing to do business in Bend. ~Ben Hemson • 541-388-5529


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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