City Club of Central Oregon June Forum: Bend’s Urban Growth Boundary – the Final Chapter


Some big changes are ahead for our City as a result of the Urban Growth Boundary project: Redevelopment and density. Expansion and complete neighborhoods.

Bend is growing into a real city, and the challenge is to maintain or even enhance our quality of life.

When charged with planning the future of Bend, community leaders balanced hard data, analytics, and politics to design Bend’s 20-year plan for housing and employment. Three citizen advisory committees — with lots of additional input from the public — have spent a year and a half researching and discussing the best path forward. Now, one more round of public hearings and the plan will be headed off to the State for approval.

What’s the final direction on the 2,000+ acres of boundary expansion?

And how will the lands that are already inside the City, the “opportunity areas,” change?

Hear the answers to these questions and more at City Club of Central Oregon’s third installment of a three-part series on this monumental City planning project. City of Bend Long Range Planning Manager Brian Rankin and City Councilor Victor Chudowsky – chair of the UGB Steering Committee – will discuss how the plan came together, what it means and when our urban future will come to fruition.

Moderator: Mary Orton is an enthusiastic City Club member and a mediator and facilitator who specializes in high-conflict public policy issues in Central Oregon and across the country.

When? Thursday, June 16, 11:3am – 1pm at the Riverhouse on the Deschutes. To register, please visit or call 541-633-7163. Registration (closes at noon on Monday, May 1June 13) is only $25 for members and $40 for non-members. Plated lunch is included.

About City Club of Central Oregon
City Club of Central Oregon exists to be the top-of-mind hub for citizens and community leaders. We intentionally shape our community and influence public policy while preserving our uniquely warm and connected culture. We champion “passionately non-partisan” discussion between diverse perspectives.

Joey Drucker, Executive Director


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