City Club December Forum: America’s Engagement Epidemic — Are Your Employees Engaged?


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The the number of hours an average American worker will work over the span of their life from the age of 18-67 is 90,000 hours. Within those working years, roughly 35 percent of life will be spent at work, and that’s only calculated at 40-hour workweeks.

The problem is that more than 77 percent of the American workforce is no longer highly engaged in their work. This statistic stays consistent across education levels, size of company, generation and industry. Imagine the impact when more than 100 million individuals are waking up uninspired to go to work and return home unfulfilled by the hours they spent that day. This lack of engagement costs companies millions of dollars each year in lost productivity, personnel issues and negative customer service metrics, not to mention the way this impacts families and communities in so many negative ways.

If we desire to realize a better future for all of us, we are going to have to think radically different from the leadership and business principles that got us to where we are today.

But there is hope, and organizations that are focusing on growing their businesses by growing their people are reporting increase across all traditional business metrics.

Join us as we discuss how to define engagement through the lens of autonomy, mastery and purpose and develop practical steps to create a highly engaged workforce.


Dave Salciccioli — Chief Development Officer, Coachwell


  • Patti Murphy — Employee Experience Director, Hayden Homes
  • Travis Ulrich — Co-founder, Webfoot Painting
  • James Barry — Learning and Development, PacificSource Health Plans

Extended Q&A: We will continue the conversation directly following the forum with an extended 30-minute Q&A with the speakers for those who wish to stay.

When: Thursday, December 19
11:15-11:45am Networking
11:45am-1pm Program
1-1:30pm Extra Q&A time

Where: Riverhouse on the Deschutes Convention Center

2850 NW Rippling River Court • Bend, OR 97701

Cost: $25 members / $45 non-members. Plated lunch is included.

To register, visit or call 541-633-7163. Registration closes at noon on Monday, December 16. Registration fees must be paid in advance of the forum.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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