City of Bend Hosts Series of Community Open Houses to Guide Council Goal Setting


Beginning this week, the City of Bend will host a series of events to guide the Bend City Council as they launch into goal and budget setting for the 2025-2027 biennium.

Community members are invited to attend one of three “Guide Your City’s Path Forward Open Houses,” to provide thoughts on what they believe are the most important issues in Bend. City Councilors will be present at each open house to listen and answer questions. The open houses will take place at various dates, times and locations around town:

  • Thursday, January 23, 2-3:30pm at the Larkspur Community Center (1600 SE Reed Market Road)
  • Saturday, January 25, 9-10:30am at the Council on Aging (1036 NE Fifth Street)
  • Monday, January 27, 3:30-5pm at the Downtown Library (601 NW Wall Street)

Spanish interpretation will be available at all sessions (en todas las sesiones tendremos servicio de interpretación en Español).

For those who are unable to attend the in-person events, there is also an online open house available that can be found at

Every two years the Bend City Council sets goals and accompanying objectives that drive staff work plans for a biennium. The goal setting process began in the fall following the November elections, and it will end with the adoption of a Council Goals Workplan and budget prior to the new biennium beginning in July 2025.

Language Assistance Services & Accommodation Information for People with Disabilities:
You can obtain this information in alternate formats such as Braille, electronic format, etc. Free language assistance services are also available. Please contact Makayla Oliver at or 541-323-8571. Relay Users Dial 7-1-1.

Servicios de asistencia lingüística e información sobre alojamiento para personas con discapacidad:
Puede obtener esta información en formatos alternativos como Braille, formato electrónico, etc. También disponemos de servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Póngase en contacto con Makayla Oliver en o 541-323-8571. Los usuarios del servicio de retransmisión deben marcar el 7-1-1.


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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