City of Redmond Invites Residents to the Second in a Series of Neighborhood Public Workshops for Redmond’s Neighborhood Revitalization Project


The City of Redmond invites community members to the second in a series of public workshops for Redmond’s Neighborhood Revitalization Project. Launched in Spring 2017, the focus of the project is to identify and develop a detailed plan for guiding the revitalization of the City’s existing neighborhoods through improved transportation choices, access to parks and open spaces, and opportunities for community amenities.

The first public workshop was held in June 2017 and community members identified key missing bicycle and pedestrian connections, local street improvements, activity centers and design elements.

The next workshop will be held Thursday, September 21 from 6 – 8pm at Redmond City Hall, 411 SW 9th Street – Civic Room 207.  Residents are encouraged to attend to give feedback on potential neighborhood improvement projects that help address missing elements and features needed to create vibrant, healthy and desirable communities.

“It is very exciting to see residents lead the discussion on changes and solutions for their neighborhoods.  It is so important for people to share their thoughts as we look for ways to improve the livability of Redmond’s neighborhoods, said Deborah McMahon, Redmond Planning Manager.”

The Redmond Neighborhood Revitalization Project study is funded by a grant from the State of Oregon.  The goal of the study is to produce a plan to improve Redmond’s neighborhoods by reducing reliance on the automobile, which provides many community benefits, such as increased public health, reduced transportation costs and improved air quality.

For more information please contact Deborah McMahon at 541-923-7724 or visit


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