City of Sisters Seeks Housing Policy Advisory Board Members


The City of Sisters is accepting applications for members of the Housing Policy Advisory Board (HPAB). The Board advises the Planning Commission and City Council on matters pertaining to the development of new and the revising of existing policies and regulations related to increasing appropriate levels of affordable and lower cost/work force housing within the city limits.

The HPAB’s duties include:
Provide input and recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council that will allow the City Council to establish and/or revise appropriate policies and regulations that improve the quantity and quality of affordable and lower cost housing stock within city limits;

Inform the Planning Commission and City Council on the progress or problems associated with the city’s housing stock;

Aid in coordinating the City’s policies with other jurisdictions throughout Central Oregon;

Seek alternative funding sources for the development of affordable housing;

Review and provide recommendations on various special projects such as Urbanization Studies, Comprehensive Plan updates and Development Code revisions with respect to matters associated with city housing issues prior to submittal to the Planning Commission.

The City of Sisters encourages interested parties to apply for the opening by completing an application available on the City’s website:  by 5pm on Wednesday, October 12. The HPAB will meet in Sisters City Hall at least quarterly (four meetings per year) and potentially monthly at 4pm on the second Tuesday of each month.

Please send your application and attached resume to the following address:  Community Development Department (Attn: Patrick Davenport, Community Development Director), P.O. Box 39, Sisters, OR  97759.  Hand delivered and scanned applications are acceptable as well.

For additional information please call Patrick Davenport at (541) 323-5219 or


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