Commute Options Executive Director Receives Statewide Transportation Award


Jeff Monson presented with Outstanding Leader Award

Commute Options Executive Director Jeff Monson was awarded the 2015 Oregon Transportation Options Outstanding Leader award. Monson received the award for his dedicated leadership, boundless energy, and unbreakable spirit to expand transportation options for a more livable, healthy and thriving communities in Oregon.

The award distinguishes an outstanding professional that has contributed to the public transportation industry on the local level through policy, legislative initiative and leadership. This award was presented at the annual Oregon Public Transportation Conference in Eugene on October 20.

Jeff Monson has been the executive director for Commute Options for 16 years. As a collaborator and convener, Monson brings together diverse industries, agencies, businesses and community members together to work toward livable, healthy and thriving communities in over 14 counties in Central and Eastern Oregon.

Most recently, he was a key team member in developing the Oregon Transportation Options Topic Plan. Oregon is the first state in the country to create such a plan that will ensure that Transportation Options are an integral part of our transportation system.

Monson is a member of the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.

“I am thoroughly honored to receive this award this year, but I would like to also credit Commute Options staff members Kim Curley, Kathy King and Brian Potwin as well as our board of directors. Commute Options is proud to work in all of the Central Oregon communities, from the Gorge down to the California border,” says Monson.

Scott Turnoy, transportation planner with ODOT says, “Jeff has devoted countless hours towards creating safe, healthy, and accessible communities by encouraging the use of transportation options. He has overseen the expansion of Commute Options to most of Central and Eastern Oregon, and has served on several statewide advisory groups tasked with providing policy direction for transportation options and bicycle/pedestrian issues. It was an honor to share the stage with Jeff, winner of the inaugural Oregon Transportation Options Outstanding Leader Award, at the 2015 Oregon Public Transportation Conference.”

Through healthy transportation choices, Commute Options encourages healthy individuals, a clean environment, and a strong economy. Commute Options represents transportation options in our community by educating citizens, businesses and government about the value of carpooling, vanpooling, walking, bicycling, teleworking and riding the bus.


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