Deschutes County Considers Westside Transect Zone


At the request of property owners, Deschutes County is considering amending its Comprehensive Plan to add a new zoning designation. The new Westside Transect Zone would provide a transitional buffer between higher density areas within the city of Bend and open spaces, rural residential areas and forested lands located in the rural county.

If approved, the new zone would require designing subdivisions to integrate with the surrounding natural landscape by minimizing the impact on wildlife habitat and reducing the risk of wildfire. Proposed comprehensive plan policies limit development to a maximum of 200 single-family homes within the 717-acre area. Minimum lot sizes are 2.5 acres.

The application for the new zone will be reviewed by a Deschutes County Hearings Officer on Tuesday, September 11 at 6pm. The hearing will be held in the Barnes and Sawyer Room at the Deschutes County Services Building, which is located at 1300 NW Wall Street.

The Board of County Commissioners is expected to hear the application later this year.


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