Dollars for Discourse: 3 Tips to Monetize Speaking Engagements


Former President Bill Clinton gave 73 speeches in 2012 covering everything from HIV to individual economic empowerment. Those engagements earned him $17 million that year alone, according to an analysis by CNN.

The fact Clinton was the 42nd Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful country on the planet certainly doesn’t hurt his cause to command high dollars for speaking engagements. But James Fallows of The Atlantic summed it up best—Clinton makes money from speaking because he treats his audiences as equal intellectuals like himself.
Whether you’ve overcome addiction, lost hundreds of pounds of body fat or live happily on a limited income, telling others how to replicate your success will only make you money if the information is actionable and the delivery seamless.

Join Speaker Associations

The National Speakers Association carries with it a creepy acronym (NSA), but is an excellent investment for motivational speakers looking to supplement their incomes. The Tempe, Arizona-based NSA has been around since 1973 and currently has more than 4,000 members. Aspiring motivational speakers can take advantage of the NSA’s Academy of Professional Speaking, which you’ll learn from already successful speakers and get access to a vast array of helpful resources.

Those who already give speeches for pay can join the organization with a professional membership. Entrepreneur Tony Alessandra and self-help guru Tony Robbins are among some of the most notable members. Peruse the organization’s website or contact the local NSA Oregon chapter for more details.

Diction = Dollars

Most students of radio broadcasting schools and university communications programs were likely made to recite tongue-twisters like “Betty Botter bought some butter” and “Tiffany sells seashells by the seashore.” Just like you should make certain to dot your i’s and cross your t’s on the written version of your speech, you should also properly enunciate them when the time comes.

Those who speak with good diction command respect from an audience. Good enunciation also conveys knowledge and a firm grasp on what you’re talking about. There are many observers who believe President Barack Obama was elected in 2008 solely because of his ability to speak clearly and articulate his points effectively.

Conduct diction exercises daily until uncomfortable enunciation becomes second nature. The “th” sound in words like bathroom is made by briefly placing your tongue between your top and bottom teeth. Diction exercises, like chewing gum and moving your tongue around each side of your mouth, strengthen muscles associated with speaking. Open your mouth when you talk to avoid mumbling. Remember, the word “any” is not the same as a belly-button that does not protrude from the abdomen.

Broadcast Live

A great way to supplement income from your speaking engagements is by simulcasting them live on your website or a third-party platform. You’ll not only collect from individuals at the door, but also those who cannot attend in person.

Ustream and Livestream are the two most popular applications to broadcast an event live on the internet. Charge a small fee before giving out the access code to your event. You can even incorporate a subscription management service like Chargify to provide your audience an easy way to pay for all your speeches online for any given year.

Make certain to utilize a strong internet connection with a lot of bandwidth to ensure a crisp, clear picture on the other end.
Josh Sundquist, the author and motivational speaker who had his left leg amputated due to Ewing’s sarcoma at age 9, says the reason he’s been successful is because he treats speaking as a job, not a personality trait. The more you put into it, the more it’ll ultimately help your bottom line.



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