Filling In Project Holes Provides Investment Opportunities


(This picture is a representation of many large solar fields in the United States. Solar projects are often checker boarded with development and empty space (the brown patches within the solar field). Clean USA Power resolves problems within solar fields so that holes in projects occur less often, and the project area is closer to 100 percent useful | submitted by Clean Power USA)

Filling in project holes is an obsession of mine because it makes sense in many ways.

For starters, it makes more renewable energy without using additional land. Land conservation is important because once land is disturbed, it may take hundreds of years to completely restore.

Secondly, it is in the best interest of the developer to use all of the project area. Developers don’t like project holes because they add costs and reduce project efficiency. Some of the costs are related to land setbacks that are required around the holes. Also, additional wiring and engineering is required to go around spaces. Sometimes developers have to provide access through their project areas to the undeveloped portions. Providing access with roads can consume more land than the size of the hole that caused the problem! Additionally, county supervisors are less likely to approve projects with gaps in them.

Filling in project holes provides investment opportunities. An example is a 40 acre property that was purchased for $83,882 and is now leased to a solar developer for an estimated gross average annual return of 18 percent over the next 30 years. It is inspiring to improve solar fields for the benefit of the planet, the solar developer, and an investment portfolio. I thoroughly enjoy watching renewable energy projects being built on our land investments.

It is extremely satisfying to infill large solar projects for the benefit of everyone involved. The private land owners are better off being cashed out or trading for a more useful piece of land. The developers appreciate having the whole unified area to build on, and investors are smiling too!

Renewable energy has been in the spotlight and is here to stay. Commercial solar output across the United States DOUBLED between September 2013 and September 2014! The solar industry continues to grow at a record pace. It is our responsibility to support it and act boldly to avert climate change.

The article has been prepared solely for informational purposes, and is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security, service or investment. The opinions expressed in this article do not constitute investment advice and independent advice should be sought where appropriate.


About Author

John Copyak is the Renewable Energy Real Estate Manager of Clean USA Power, Inc., 541-668-0423, 115 NW Oregon Ave., Unit 10, Bend, OR 97703

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