Get involved! Openings on City of Bend Planning Commission & Budget Committee


Community advisory committees are a great way to get involved with City government. The City has a number of boards, committees, commissions and advisory groups that make recommendations to City Council or City administrative staff. There are openings on the Planning Commission and Budget Committee:

  • The Planning Commission provides citizen involvement, which is Goal 1 of Oregon’s Statewide Planning Goals. Planning Commissioners are volunteers, appointed by City Council. Commissioners can serve two four-year terms, or up to ten years if appointed mid-term. The Planning Commission conducts quasi-judicial and legislative public hearings on Type III and IV planning applications, and makes recommendations to City Council, as per Bend Code section 20.030 Planning Commission. Type III and IV applications, which are heard before the Planning Commission, include Deschutes River design review, master plans and Bend Development Code amendments. This committee has two positions to fill.
  • The Budget Committee is comprised of the seven City Councilors and an equal number of citizen members. The committee receives the City Manager’s proposed biennial budget and budget message, which explains the proposed budget and significant changes in the City’s financial position. The Budget Committee may make additions or changes to the proposed budget, at which time the committee will approve the document and forward it to the City Council for adoption. The Budget Committee also approves a rate of total ad valorem property taxes to be certified for collection. Citizen members serve a term of four years and are subject to the City of Bend policy on term limitations (maximum two terms or six years, whichever is greater). This committee has three positions to fill.


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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