How To Help Boost Your Career Prospects


There’s little more demoralizing than feeling stuck in a job that either makes you unhappy or that you feel isn’t making the most of your unique skill sets. It’s also highly demotivating to feel you’re not making progress in the search for a new, more exciting or more high-flying job.

“The job search” can seem like an elusive process; there are so many opportunities to go for, so many ways to come across them, and sometimes you think you’re perfect for a role, only to be rejected before even offered an interview. Rest assured, finding the right job for you may be hard work, but there are things you can do to boost your career prospects. Here’s how:

Volunteer to attain new skills

It’s crucial to have experience with the tasks and challenges demanded by the job role. While you may not have professional experience to promote, you can often gain these skills by volunteering in some capacity.

For instance, most vet jobs will require you to have worked with animals; indeed, you may need this background in order to get into veterinary school. Explore your local area for animal sanctuaries, rescue centers or open farms. Getting work experience within this world will allow you to demonstrate your ability to care for animals. Once you have the certificates, qualifications and experience, you can look for a vet job you will absolutely love.

Reassess your resume

Too often, success in a job application is hindered by a sub-standard resume. You must ensure you proof, and proof again, your resume; many employees will immediately reject applications with spelling and grammar mistakes.

Secondly, consider how your resume tells your story. Does the layout allow the most important messages to stand out? Imagine you are an employer, receiving your resume to look over. If you scan it with your eyes, does it make you want to read more? Consider whether you need to include all of your employment history; often a more concise CV is more persuasive than one which spans several pages.

Practice interview skills

A face to face interview is an important milestone in your job application, yet you mustn’t let that intimidate you. Meeting a prospective employee in person is as much an opportunity for you to ask questions and further explore the opportunity, as it is for them to deduce your suitability for the role.

Nevertheless, you’d do well to practice your interview skills and prepare specific questions ahead of time. An interviewer will always be impressed with well thought through questions, which are uniquely relevant to the job role and company you are meeting with.

Invest in interview clothing

As superficial as it sounds, you do need to dress for the job you want. Thus, it’s recommended you invest in smart and suitable interview clothing. There’s no shame in asking before your meeting what the dress code of the office is, so you avoid appearing too smart or too casual on the day.

Be bold

To boost your job prospects, you’ll need to show bravery; from boldly asking whether there are any roles going, to networking at every opportunity, and being able to sell yourself successfully. Being timid won’t get you very far.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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