Hidden Restrictions Deep in Your Body May Hold the Key to Your Healing


(Image 1 | Graphic courtesy of Michael Hahn)

After 23 years in practice, I have moved my manual therapy healing practice to Bend. Below I am sharing my perspective on a unique approach to helping you heal from hard-to-treat pain issues. The work is gentle, comprehensive and extremely effective.

Has anyone addressed:

  • Restrictions around your spinal cord?
  • Strains in your organs?
  • Tensions in your nerves and arteries?
  • Compressions in your spine and cranium?
  • Stagnation in your lymphatic system?

When these systems are addressed, your body can heal from complex injuries and feel great again!

Parents bring in their newborns to address twisted bodies and feeding issues and adults come in to heal from automobile, bicycle and skiing accidents among other challenging issues.

After practicing and studying this work for decades, I have come to realize that proper function (movement) at a very deep level is critical in the recovery process from injuries. Below is an overview of a gentle and unique structural approach to healing and wellbeing.

The spinal cord should glide within your vertebrae, your lungs should slide and rotate within the ribcage, your abdominal organs need to glide against their neighbors, bones should be able to bend a small amount, vertebrae and ribs need to articulate appropriately with each other, your lymphatic system should flow without obstructions and your nerves and circulatory system should be flexible and mobile in places.

When you experience impacts, trauma and surgeries, your body often loses its ability to move properly. Restrictions in these often overlooked tissues can cause global pain and discomfort. Restoring proper movement to these structures supports you in feeling great and increases your vitality.

The bulk of this approach comes from the work of French Osteopath, Jean Pierre Barral, the developer of Visceral Manipulation. The work uses multiple assessments and gentle treatment techniques for restoring function to the entire body.

This modality is extremely effective at getting to the root of most challenging chronic pain issues, such as: TMJ dysfunction, headaches, whiplash-related symptoms (think restrictions in the spinal dura), back pain, pain resulting from surgeries (organ membrane adhesions), head injuries (cranial and dural restrictions), repetitive strain injuries, joint pain and stiffness. By treating areas that may seem vastly unrelated, the work creates quick, positive change throughout your entire body. The assessments show where the restrictions are, when to treat them and what techniques to use. This takes the guesswork out of knowing where and how to treat.

A client with persistent lower back pain for 20 years had restrictions in the following areas. The loops of their small intestines (see image 1) had inappropriate adhesions to their neighbors and its attaching membranes were tight and short, causing the vertebrae in their lower back to be inappropriately rotated. Also, their spinal cord was adhered to many of their vertebrae instead of gliding within them. When these adhesions were gently cleared, the pain went away and the client had more range of motion and comfort throughout their body.

This work treats some of the most commonly overlooked systems in your body. By treating these systems, many chronic conditions are addressed, allowing your body to reorganize and heal itself. I believe this work to be at the forefront of today’s manual therapies.

I offer private sessions and year-long trainings in the work. If you have questions or would like to connect, please reach out.

Michael Hahn LMP
115 NW Greeley Ave., Bend
Lic # LMT-22604

mmhahn.com • 541-241-7850


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