How to Get Dissertation Writing Help & When Do You Need It


A dissertation is a complex academic work that requires a lot of time and dedication. Of course, as a doctoral student you have probably finished many papers by this time, but it was nothing like that one. It might feel overwhelming. The challenging part comes with the fact that many students need to balance it with having a full-time job and often family.

If you feel like you are stuck with a particular part or do not know where to start, you need help. And there is nothing wrong with asking for assistance. Many students turn to professional “write my essay” services like to get help with their academic assignments. They can help with writing, proofreading, and editing of any paper. And if you want to make sure of the quality of their work, you can check writing services reviews at that provide an objective analysis of such platforms. Several things can help you on this journey.

1.  Use Great Resources

First of all, you need to prepare all the tools and services that can help you to research and write. Using specific software and search engines will help to save a lot of time and get better results. Here is what a doctoral student should always keep close.

Plagiarism checker

There are many of them online and any student should use a plagiarism checker. It helps to make sure that your writing is unique and there are no similarities with any other text.

Google Scholar

By this time you probably know that there is no better way to research academic sources online than this Google service. It shows only academically approved articles, studies, and books. And it also offers an easy way to reference them.

Formatting guidelines

Formatting a dissertation is a whole separate task and one needs to have guidelines like MLA or APA close to make sure that everything is correct.

Proofreading tools

Finding any mistakes and errors manually might be hard, especially with such voluminous works. Use Grammarly to make sure that there are no grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors.

2.  Create a Dissertation Calendar

According to statistics, only 56% of doctoral students manage to graduate. It means that almost half of them do not finish their dissertation and courses. But do not get discouraged; with reasonable planning and motivation, you can get in the 56%.

The best way to make sure that everything is going according to the plan is to create a timetable for the whole process. First, start with getting all the deadlines from your college, such as abstract submission, defense notification, the defense itself, graduation application, etc. There are lots of them, make sure that they are correct and put them into the calendar as deadlines.

Then set reminders some time before each deadline so that you can check whether everything is ready for it. Divide the dissertation into small manageable chunks of work. Put them separately as tasks in the calendar and set the finishing dates. Always leave room for some buffer time as you don’t know how long it will take.

3.  Be Smart About Studies

It is not about the time you put in, but the efficiency of your work. Cut off perfectionism and try not to fall into writing anxiety. It is a huge problem for many students. Use the 5-minute rule, where you write for 5 minutes, and motivation comes along.

Use smart study strategies that will help you to remember more information and be more efficient. Do not multitask, take one thing at a time, and focus on it. Also, have a day in a week where you are only doing your dissertation work and nothing else. Don’t forget to have an entire day without dissertation or any other work.

4.  Communicate with Advisor and Committee

They do not have a lot of time for each doctoral student, but they can give excellent advice and provide outstanding help. Make sure that you take the best from each of your conversations. Do not come with open questions if you can give alternatives for them to choose from. For example, do not ask what topic you should choose, rather offer 3-4 options and listen to what they can recommend. Always take notes and listen carefully to their advice.

5.  Keep All Documents in One Place

Always keep the links and documents in one place, organized neatly. It will help you to find an article you’ve read two months ago or a tool you need now. The best way is to keep everything on Google Drive. It is a cloud solution that you can access from any device. So even if you travel or do not have access to your laptop – all the docs are safe. And you can continue work without hassle.

In Summary

Writing a dissertation is difficult, but one can manage it. Get professional help and put the effort in organization and time management. Be efficient about your studies, and use the best tools and resources. And do not forget about deadlines.


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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