Is Your Team Trauma-Informed?


Scholarships Available for the Fourth Annual Healing Trauma Conference

The month of May is National Mental Health and Trauma Awareness Month to raise awareness of the impacts of trauma on the physical, emotional and mental well-being of children, families and communities. To commemorate, Haelan House is holding the Fourth Annual Healing Trauma Conference, online, May 21-22, 2022. Scholarships are available.

Trauma is the response a person has to a deeply disturbing or stressful event that affects an individual’s ability to recover and impacts them mentally and/or physically.

The Effects of Trauma

The effects of trauma exposures on humans are detailed in research over the last two decades from the evolving sciences of neuroscience, molecular biology, public health, genomics and epigenetics revealing that experiences such as a community trauma, individual trauma and pandemic trauma results in significant impacts at the micro, meso and macro health system levels. Being trauma-informed recognizes the presence of trauma and the role that it plays throughout someone’s life resulting from past traumatic experiences.

Prolonged exposure to adversity, stress and trauma — particularly in early childhood — can cause lasting harm and contribute to our nation’s most pressing social and health challenges.

When trauma becomes a normal part of life or embedded in communities, it can destroy hope, making the change process even more difficult, and collaborative transformation is needed at every level of society — in policy, systems, communities, families and individuals.

Why be Trauma-Informed?

On an organizational level, being trauma-informed changes organizational culture to emphasize respecting and responding to the effects of trauma at all levels in a person’s life, including what experiences or trauma they have had that affects their identity, relationships with others and their worldview. Healing in all policies is a must. Community healing will only occur when we acknowledge the historical harms done to individuals.

Today marks a historic chapter in advancing our state and improving the physical, mental and emotional health of individuals in Oregon and beyond. We call on all individuals and leaders in Oregon to realize that trauma exists and has widespread effects, recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma and respond proactively and resist re-traumatization to allow for healing to begin.

The Economic Impact of Not Healing Trauma

The U.S. spends $748 billion annually on health care costs and lost productivity caused by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). If our nation had trauma-informed policies and practices in place to reduce ACEs, the federal government could save $217 billion annually. And what about the human cost when we don’t proactively address or prevent ACEs? Nearly 650,000 Americans died from ACEs-related health risk factors in 2017.

To learn more about what it means to be trauma-informed, attend The Healing Trauma Conference, to be held May 21-22 online. We will address the manifestations of trauma and explore myriad ways to heal. To register visit:

Scholarships for individuals and organizations are available. Apply at:

Sources: Haelan House,


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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