Karnopp Petersen Business 20/20 & Trust for Public Land in Bend, Oregon


Mapping out opportunities to invest in our livability and economy. KP Business 20/20 and the Trust for Public Land on April 15 present: Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker, current president of the National League of Cities and a member of the White House Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience.

Will our region’s unprecedented growth mean a loss of the natural beauty and exceptional livability that attract talent, tourism and business to Central Oregon?

Keynote speaker Mayor Becker discusses the roles and responsibilities each of us share in preserving the resources that contribute to sustainable vitality.

Topics will include managing growth, balancing conservation and economic development, considering the impact of investments, as well as learning from other communities about innovations employed to preserve quality of life. The evening will also feature information about historic land development and predictive modeling.

It’s the intersection of conservation and finance. A look at why conserving natural resources isn’t just good for the environment. It’s good for our community, our economy and our future.

Seating is limited, so register today. And discover unique perspectives, fresh ideas and new ways to get involved.

April 15, 2015
High Desert Museum, Bend
$30 per person
Register: www.kpbusiness2020.com взять потребительский кредит на карту


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