La Pine Community Health Center Slated to Receive over $3,000,000 from Congressionally Directed Spending Appropriations for Wellness Center Project


La Pine Community Health Center (LCHC) has been included in the draft Senate Labor, Health and Human Services (LHHS) Appropriations bill, for $3,088,100 from Congress for the Wellness Center Project which breaks ground in spring 2023.

The project includes a new, 27,000-square-foot building that is slated to open in 2024, and the remodel of current offices, and furniture and equipment for both.  The project as a whole allows for the addition of dental services, diagnostic imaging such as CT scans, ultrasound and mammograms, expansion of mental health services and space for four more primary care providers who will be able to care for an additional, combined 4,600 patients.

The new building is estimated at $10,000,000, half of which has already been secured through grants, Oregon Legislative funding and reserve funds.  The remodel of current offices and the purchase of furniture and equipment for both the new building and remodeled area will be fully funded by this appropriations bill if it is passed by Congress.

Charla DeHate, CEO stated, “We are thrilled and honored that the La Pine CHC Wellness Center Project has been selected for Congressionally Directed Spending appropriation. This project will increase access to necessary healthcare services for the residents of South Deschutes County and the surrounding areas of North Klamath and Northwest Lake Counties. Thank you to Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley for their support and commitment!”


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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