Land Board to Consider Land Use Applications, Infrastructure Improvements for 945-Acre Property in Deschutes County


The State Land Board will be asked to approve next steps in the planning process for an approximately 945-acre state-owned property in Deschutes County during the August 14 Land Board meeting.

The Department of State Lands (DSL) is requesting approval to:

Submit land use planning applications to the City of Redmond and Deschutes County for the property, known as the South Redmond Tract. The applications are to expand the Redmond urban growth boundary, annex the property into the city, and apply the large lot industrial zoning designation.

Partition two parcels from the property for a land exchange with Deschutes County and a land sale to the Oregon Military Department.

Fund the infrastructure improvements necessary to meet City of Redmond requirements for community development and State of Oregon requirements for large lot industrial zoning.

During the meeting DSL will also request Land Board approval to add an additional policy option package to the previously approved 2019-21 agency budget request. Additionally, an update on a Request for Information (RFI) for certified forest lands management will be presented.

The meeting will be held:
Tuesday, August 14
10am to noon
Department of State Lands
Land Board Room
775 Summer St. NE, Salem

This meeting will be held in a facility that is accessible for persons with disabilities.  If you need assistance to participate in the meeting due to a disability, please notify Arin Smith at 503-986-5224 or at least two working days prior to the meeting.

To live stream the meeting, go to the State Lands YouTube channel:

Meeting agenda:

About the State Land Board and the Department of State Lands
The State Land Board consists of Governor Kate Brown, Secretary of State Dennis Richardson and State Treasurer Tobias Read. The Department of State Lands administers diverse natural and fiscal resources. Many of the resources generate revenue for the Common School Fund, such as state-owned rangelands and timberlands, waterway leases, estates for which no will or heirs exist, and unclaimed property. Twice a year, the agency distributes fund investment earnings to support K-12 public schools. The agency also administers Oregon’s Removal-Fill Law, which requires people removing or filling certain amounts of material in waters of the state to obtain a permit.


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