Neighborhood Association in Bend, Southern Crossing, Hopes to Reestablish Angry Citizens in Southern Crossing Fighting the Reed Lane Apartment Rezoning


Notice of Public Hearing is scheduled for Monday, February 6 at 5:30pm. The meeting location is at the City of Bend Council Chambers located downtown Bend. Neighbors are encouraged to provide written comments or testify at this hearing if you are against the zone change from standard to medium density. This is short notice but written comments need to be received by January 23. Neighbors most likely will be filing for a written extension. Send written comments via email to Neighbors are encouraged to attend and testify February 6.

Neighborhoods are generally made up of people who live, own a business, or work near each other. Neighborhood associations are organizations formally recognized by the City of Bend as a forum for citizens to address the issues that you care about.

In Bend, there are 13 neighborhood associations. Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association (SCNA) was formed in 2003. Its boundaries are the Parkway and Colorado Avenue east to west and between Arizona and Powers north to south. Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association has 882.9 acres (91.4 vacant), 1,745 tax lots (1,101 developed), and 452 active business licenses.

Privileges and responsibilities come with being officially recognized by the city. One privilege is being the primary source of public input for city bureaus. Bureaus target neighborhoods for input by sending notifications to their board and membership, by attending their meetings, and by inviting their membership to serve on advisory committees.

Neighborhoods also automatically receive land use notices about development within their boundaries and can appeal land use decisions at the city level without charge. In return for their privileges, neighborhoods must follow city guidelines and rules, including following open meeting guidelines and maintaining non-discriminatory membership policies.

According to the City of Bend Neighborhood Association Handbook, the Bend Development Code states that “the City may terminate its recognition of any neighborhood association that hasn’t held a general membership meeting in the past 18 months.” Be part of the revival.

When is the General Membership Meeting Being Held?
The SCNA General Membership Meeting is being held Thursday, February 9, 2017, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Bend Parks & Recreation District Office in the Riverbend Conference Room. The address for the General Membership Meeting is: 799 SW Columbia Street, Bend, Oregon 97702. Visit the SCNA web site for more information

The formerly defunct Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association (SCNA) is in the process of a revival, and they need your help in order to be successful. The SCNA is looking for leadership, expertise, and talent to add to our board. Besides board members, we are looking for photographers, lawyers, architects, land use planners, bloggers, sponsors, and volunteers who are willing to contribute to the best interest of the neighborhood as a whole.


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