QUESTIONS for Deschutes County Commission 2012
1. Business background and why you feel you are uniquely qualified to hold this office.
2. If you’re an incumbent please provide a list of your accomplishments that you feel have helped the local economy.
3. What could you do in this office to address these challenges facing small business owners in Central Oregon:
a. Unemployment.
b. Improve Region’s Image
c. Measures 66 & 67
d. Estate Tax
e. Oregon Revenue Department
f. Lending
g. Promote Central Oregon
h. Tourism
4. What are your top priorities as an elected official?
5. What legislation or policies would you specifically work on to help Central Oregon?
6. If room permits you may add additional information about your candidacy and why you are the best choice for this office.
(current County Commissioner)
1. Small business owner, Bachelor of Science degree: University of Portland.
2. Lead process for Connect Oregon IV funds for four area airports to complete 12 million in improvements. On team to retain Central Oregon Truck co that kept jobs, added more jobs and collocated Pape Kenworth. Deschutes Collaborative Forest restoration Project; jobs in the forest and logs to the mill.
3. Challenges: a. Unemployment: Policy; support LCDC rulemaking that develops large lot industrial zoned land in city UGB’s, then apply rule locally. b. Support ‘Career Ready’ communities and the NCRC (national career readiness certificate).
Quality child care at an affordable price. Career Ready Communities’ designation for the tri-county area.
Non-stop air flight to Los Angeles.
Healthy job sector support groups.
High quality high tech infrastructure.
Good supply of developable land with infrastructure.
c. Measure 66 ( income tax hike) has done its short term objectives but it is a symptom of our broken tax system.
Measure 67 (corporate tax increase) did not collect anticipated revenues and is a negative effect on economic development.
Government places fees to pay for the services and improvements. We need to look backwards from the burden of the fees on business then try to find a balance. I attend the DURT (delay, uncertainty, regulation, taxes) part of DEA whose purpose is to reduce DURT.
d. First, I would try to resolve the inequities in the tax. Second, abolish it. I want a large tax base with low tax rates. If Oregon keeps restricting revenue to a few taxes like income tax then how do we lower the income tax?
e. The governor already has a regional solutions team and representative; Annette Liebe. This is a main purpose of the team. I am a member of the steering team.
f. The County does advocate and lend support to business as it engages with our state and congressional delegations. We are doing this for community credit unions association who wants congress to change “asset to loan” ratio. The County does not loan funds, it grants funds with conditions. The County wants to grow family wage jobs.
g. We should be drinking Earth2O at meetings instead of generic water. Farm to market network growth.
3. I think the area that collects the tax should have a say in how it is spent. There is a connection. Most of the county room tax is collected from Sunriver. COVA is spending that money to support resort activity. All Deschutes County tourism benefits from this. They also support regional services like commercial flights at Roberts Field.
4. To manage the County to provide quality services in a cost effective way.
To be a voice of the people to support their needs.
Focus on job creation.
Transportation issues.
To improve forest health and good water planning for agriculture, people and the river.
5. Large lot industrially zoned land within cities.
Banking flexibility. Water planning.
6. I am your Deschutes County Commissioner. I am doing a great job. I have 20 years of community leadership. I have the knowledge, experience and relationships to continue to work for you.
1. I am running for Deschutes County Commissioner because of my love for Central Oregon and its citizens and my desire for them to thrive. We need to encourage job creation and business growth. I want to make sure we continue to offer great opportunities and services to all those who call Deschutes County home, both newcomers and lifelong residents.
2. I have been a small business owner and Realtor for 37 years. As past president of the Central Oregon Association of Realtors, I have the knowledge of what new and existing businesses need from government to create jobs and prosper. Mostly it is to get out of the way, not enact roadblocks and foster a can-do attitude with those who interpret the rules and issue permits. Serving on the Bend City Council, Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council, Economic Development of Central Oregon, the Metropolitan Planning Organization, Rural fire Protection District #2, The Bend Budget Committee and the Urban Renewal Board has given me the added expertise to execute the duties of a Deschutes County commissioner.
3. Create Jobs and Economic Stability. We must diversify our economy to make it more resilient and resistant to national downturns. We must promote legislation that encourages growth in aviation, forest products, solar energy and the brewing industry. Lobby for legislative changes that enable us to increase employment. As County Commissioner, I will pursue programs that create opportunities for citizens to work, live, study, and prosper in Deschutes County.
Reduce government spending. Government should use your tax dollars efficiently. As a City Councilor, I helped create tax savings for Bend citizens by cutting the city’s workforce by more than 20 percent and instituting a high-deductible employee health plan. As County Commissioner, I will take similar common-sense steps, consolidating local services that are duplicated across jurisdictions, reducing government spending and increase efficiency.
Prioritize Public Safety. The safety of our children, families and businesses must be a priority. I will protect public safety programs from budget cuts, ensure that emergency services are properly funded and see to it that all county residents are covered by fire protection services.
4. Communication & Collaboration. During my term as Deschutes County Commissioner, I will engage with the community, listen to citizens, and consider every point of view. Together we will find the best solutions to the challenges we face. Together we will build a bright, prosperous, and secure future for Deschutes County.
5. Taxes. I did not support measures 66 and 67 and view them as killing jobs in Oregon. The death tax is one of the most unfair taxes that any jurisdiction can apply. Why would any successful business owner relocate a business to a state that will force his or her heirs to pay taxes to keep an enterprise going when they have already paid taxes to operate? It makes no sense.
6. I feel my recent experience and new Public Administration degree give me the edge in modern policy making and effectively running local government. For more information, please go to