Survey Finds Oregonians Would Protect Constitutional Definition of Marriage


Portland, OR – On April 22-27, Oregon Family Council commissioned a statewide survey to measure the attitudes of Oregon voters following several weeks of extensive television, direct mail and grassroots advertising headed by Basic Rights Oregon designed to gain approval of same-sex marriage.

The scientific telephone survey of 660 likely Oregon voters found that if an election were held at this time, 50% of voters would vote to preserve the current definition of marriage as defined in our State Constitution as a union only between one man and one woman. 45% state that they would vote to overturn the current definition and 5% are undecided at this time.

The survey was conducted by the Hoffman Research Group, who has been doing Oregon research for more than 25 years. This study had an error margin of 3.8% plus or minus, at the 95% confidence level.

In 2004 Oregonians passed Measure 36, a Constitutional amendment which

defines marriage as only between one man and one woman. Are you very familiar,

somewhat familiar or not at all familiar with Measure 36?

32% Very Familiar

50% Somewhat familiar

18% Not familiar at all

Which of these two statements best describes your understanding

of what marriage should be: (ROTATE ORDER)

‘Marriage is a union between one man and one woman intended to last a lifetime”


“Marriage is a union between two people, either same-sex or opposite-sex, living

together in a committed, loving relationship”

53% One man and One woman

44% Two people

3% Undecided

In 2004 Oregon voters passed Measure 36 amending the state constitution to

define marriage only as between one man and one woman. If a constitutional

amendment was placed on the ballot that would overturn Measure 36 and allow

same-sex marriage in Oregon, would you vote…

45% Yes to remove Measure 36 from the constitution and allow same-sex marriage

50% No, to keep Measure 36 in the constitution

5% Undecided


Party                                              Vote History

35% Republican                              1% New

45% Democrat                                 10% 1 of 4

20% Independent                             21% 2 of 4

22% 3 of 4

46% 4 of 4

Age                                                Region

18% 18-34                                       20% Multnomah

40% 35-54                                       10% Clackamas

42% 55+                                          13% Washington

26% Mid

Gender                                                       7% Coast

48% Male                                           11% South

52% Female                                        13% East

Commenting on the survey results, Oregon Family Council’s Executive Director Jack Louman remarked, “Following a one-side argument where hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent advocating same-sex marriage, Oregon voters still appear reluctant to change the historic definition of marriage


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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