WebCyclery Thrilla Cyclocross Series


This is the second year for this venue in NorthWest Crossing and it provides a longer course with more variety and to accommodate what we expect to be larger fields.  

Mountain bikes are welcome and helmets for all racers are required.

Cost is $15 per race, or racers can register for all 4 races prior to the start of the first race, the full series cost is $50 (Juniors – $8 per race, or $25 for the series). Riders can pre-register for the entire series at WebCyclery beginning Sept. 1st or at each race beginning at 4:30PM. Pre-Registration will also be available each week at WebCyclery prior to each Thursday (if it is Thursday, racers will have to wait until registration opens up at the race). This year there will be 2 separate races each night.

The first races will be for Juniors and Beginners (Men C, Women C, Men C 40+). It will start at 5:25pm.  The second race will start at about 6:15pm, and will consist of all the experienced racers (Men A & B, Women A & B, Men A & B 40+). Entry cost is $15 per race or $50 for the series (Juniors – $8 per race, or $25 for the series) plus an OBRA (Oregon Bicycle Racing Association) license. Annual cyclocross licenses ($15) and One-Day licenses ($5) will be available at the race.

This is an OBRA event and an OBRA membership is required for the race. Cyclocross only membership is $10 for the season or a one day membership can be purchased at registration for $5. OBRA requires that each racer must show proof of membership (OBRA card, or a receipt, or a printed email from OBRA stating racer is a member of OBRA along with the OBRA membership number. If racers can’t show proof, they will be required to buy a 1 day license for $5.

The new venue is a very spectator friendly and a great event for juniors and beginners. The  course consists of dirt roads, gravel trails, tree-lined singletrack, a big run-up or two, barriers, a few blocks worth of pavement, and a steep descent and climb back up on a dirt road.

If you have questions in the meantime you can call the shop at 541-318-6188, see site – http://webcyclery.com/thrilla_2011 or email Todd Gorman at todd@webcyclery.com .


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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