The City of Bend ABC Commission is accepting nominations for the ABC Award 2012. This award honors ten individuals, organizations and businesses that have made significant contributions to the celebration, promotion, beautification or preservation of the City’s arts, culture, natural environment or public spaces completed in 2011.
Liz Rink, vice-chair of the ABC Commission said, “The ABC Awards reflect the incredible level of public creativity in the arts, beautification and cultural efforts going on in our city. Let’s celebrate these people and programs.” The selections are based on an array of criteria including the level of community impact and strength of visitor attraction.
Award winners are honored during a reception at Bend City Hall held in June. Bend mayor, Jeff Eager, will present each Award recipient with a uniquely designed award recognizing the winner’s achievement.
Recipients in 2011 included:
Arts: Jason Graham of Mosley Wotta, QuiltWorks Quilt Gallery~ Upstairs Quilt Gallery Show, R.A.M.P. ~ Reclamation of the Arts and Music Project, tbd Loft ~ Community Gallery, Volcanic Theatre
Beautification: Toyota-Scion of Bend, Vicki Brownrigg & Friends ~ Bend’s Green Welcome,
Culture:: Kogane/Mountain View High School Band Exchange, Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association, City Club of Central Oregon ~ Table Talk
2012 Award Nomination Forms are available at the City of Bend website: Deadline is April 15, 2012
Please submit nominations and include photos as a pdf attachment in high res jpeg format:
Fax: 541.382.6676 Please label: ABC Awards 2011, Attn: ABC Chair
Mail: ABC Awards 2011, Attn: ABC Chair, City of Bend, PO Box 431, Bend, OR 97709
The ABC Commission acts as an advisory board for the City of Bend in supporting and encouraging the arts, beautification and culture in our city. The Commission is composed of seven Bend citizens appointed by the mayor.
Info: City Recorder: Robyn Christie at 541-388-5505