Monthly forum, February 16 features a presentation by Alistair Paterson who confronts the question: Is there an active East/West divide in Bend?” Mark your calendars for several diverse subjects.
City Club’s Monthly Forum
On Thursday, February 16th Alistair Paterson, professional speaker, founder of The Aspirational Alliance and Bend resident, will confront the question “Is there an active East/West divide in Bend?” Exploring resource allocation, marketing campaigns, socio-economic division and other indicators, we will discuss whether such a divide is good or bad, unnecessary or inevitable, real or imagined.
What: Forum and Lunch Buffet
Where: St. Charles Center for Health and Learning (main hospital entrance)
When: February 16th from 11:30 to 1:00
Cost: Members – $20.00 / Non-Members – $35.00
RSVP Date: midnight, Monday February 13th (add $5.00 if later)
White Out?
The Future of Racial Diversity in Oregon
A Moderated Discussion with Emily M. Drew, Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at Willamette University
Although 2010 Census data show Oregon’s population becoming more racially diverse, the state remains one of the whitest in the nation. Join us for an Oregon Humanities Conversation Project program on the challenges to creating racially diverse, inclusive communities.
What: A Conversation Project program, hosted by the Nancy R Chandler Visiting Scholar Program
Where: Wille Hall, Campus Center, COCC Bend
When: Thursday, February 9, 6:30 pm
Cost: Free and open to the public
For Info: Karen Aylward @ 541-383-7257
Why Aren’t There More Black People in Oregon? – A Hidden History
A Moderated Discussion with Walidah Imarisha Adjunct Professor, Portland State University
Have you ever wondered why the Black population in Oregon is so small? Oregon has a history not only of Black exclusion and discrimination, but also of a vibrant Black culture that helped sustain many communities throughout the state – a history that is not taught in schools. Join us in this Oregon Humanities Conversation Project program that examines how history, politics, and culture have shaped – and will continue to shape — the landscape for Black Oregonians.
What: A Conversation Project program, hosted by the Nancy R Chandler Visiting Scholar Program
Where: Wille Hall, Campus Center, COCC Bend
When: Monday, February 27, 6:30 pm
Cost: Free and open to the public
For Info: Karen Aylward @ 541-383-7257