BLM Hosts Social and Economic Public Workshop for Sage-Grouse Planning Effort


As part of the BLM’s National Sage-Grouse Planning Strategy, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is holding an interactive social and economic public workshop Tuesday, June 26, 4-7pm at The Riverhouse Hotel and Convention Center in Bend. The workshop will provide an opportunity for interested individuals to offer information regarding the use of public lands resources, how public lands may influence their quality of life, and their social or economic values to the local area.

The BLM is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Oregon sub region, which will be used to amend Land Use Plans (LUPs) throughout the bird’s range in Oregon to provide conservation of Greater Sage-grouse habitat. The workshop will guide interested partners on how to contribute social and economic information in the development of the EIS.

Based on ongoing threats to the greater sage-grouse and its habitat throughout the West, as well as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s 2015 court-ordered deadline for making a decision whether to list the species under the Endangered Species Act, the BLM and the U.S. Forest Service plan to incorporate consistent objectives and conservation measures into all relevant land use plans by Sept. 2014.

For individuals who cannot attend the workshop in person, the presentation and question and answer sessions will be available real-time on-line through WebEx. The presentations will occur at 4 p.m., 5 p.m., and 6 p.m. If you are new to using WebEx, we recommend you join the WebEx meeting up to 15 minutes prior to start time. The line will be muted until the meeting begins. To access Web Ex go to:

Topic: Oregon Sage Grouse Socioeconomic Workshop

Password: sagegrouse (Note) When you connect through the WebEx link you will be provided the option to have WebEx call you

For more information about the BLM and USFS’s sage-grouse planning efforts, please visit the BLM’s National Sage-Grouse Planning Strategy webpage.


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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