Ashley Sanders, democracy activist of the Move to Amend campaign, to visit Bend today.
The Bend Move to Amend group will host a public workshop and presentation about Creating Democracy and Challenging Corporate Rule with guest speaker Ashley Sanders of the Move to Amend campaign. Part history lesson and part heart-felt call to action, the event is on March 5 and will be at the
The recent U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. FEC opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate spending on elections. Sanders, an organizer and
“Corporate Personhood” commonly refers to court-created precedent that gives corporations constitutional rights intended solely for human beings. “Corporate personhood is not an inconsequential legal technicality. The Supreme Court ruled that a corporation was a ‘legal person’ with 14th Amendment protections before they granted full personhood to African-Americans, immigrants, natives, or women”, states David Cobb, a spokesperson for Move to Amend and an attorney helping to lead the coalition.
“We are inspired by historic social movements that recognized the necessity of altering fundamental power relationships,” said Cobb. “
The forum will focus on how
Over 250,000 people have signed an online petition supporting a constitutional amendment at