Officials from the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) met with Bend City Council on Wednesday to review the environmental assessment and proposed requirements for environmental monitoring for the City’s Bridge Creek water project.
The USFS proposes extensive additional monitoring of stream flows, temperature and fisheries in Tumalo Creek. The tests will be conducted to improve the understanding of the stream’s hydrology and fisheries.
During construction, the USFS will oversee monitoring of raptors, roosting bats and western bumblebees near the construction site to determine if these species are present. Finally, the City, through a contract with the Forest Service, will re-vegetate disturbed areas with native plants sourced on-site, and then monitor the plantings for several years.
The City’s water facilities are located in the
The water intake facility will also be upgraded, with screens installed to protect fish. New controls will reduce the amount of water withdrawn from the stream.
Bend City Engineer Tom Hickmann confirmed that the City is ready to comply with the Forest Service’s proposed conditions. “These are much more stringent than the conditions for
If the Forest Service permits are issued as proposed, construction will begin in 2013 and take about 18 months. “This project is ready to go”, emphasized project engineer Heidi Lansdowne.