More than eight out of ten
These results demonstrate widespread public support for the comprehensive sentencing and corrections reforms contained in HB 3194. They further reinforce the Oregon Business Plan’s recommendations to reform
“Voters are ready for policy reforms that deliver smarter investments in public safety,” said Jeremy Rogers, who manages the Oregon Business Plan. “It’s time for the Legislature to adopt the policies in HB 3194 and spare taxpayers the cost of building more prison beds in the coming biennium and beyond.”
Over the past decade,
“When you operate a business, you constantly look at your spending to see what works and what ought to be cut because it isn’t getting the best results,” said Dave Williams, Vice President of Utility Services at NW Natural and chair of the Citizens Crime Commission. “
By clear margins, voters are more concerned with reducing recidivism than with the number of months an offender spends behind bars. Regardless of political party affiliation, gender, or history as a victim of crime, the poll results indicate, voters want their tax dollars spent more effectively and they support sentencing changes do just that. They favor slowing prison growth and allowing the savings to be reinvested in local public safety strategies, including a tougher probation and parole system and expanded crime victim assistance.
The poll also confirms overwhelming bipartisan support for:
- Sentencing modifications to Measure 57 that will allow judges to weigh the facts of individual cases instead of imposing mandatory minimum sentences (75% favor).
- Allowing offenders who are already eligible for time-off for good behavior to earn an additional 10 percent off their sentence for completing programs like literacy training and substance abuse treatment that are designed to reduce recidivism (82% favor).
- Transitioning offenders out of prison and into re-entry supervision programs three months before the end of their sentence to help them gradually and safely re-enter society (85% favor).
The survey, sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trusts, sampled 600 likely voters in
Public Opinion Strategies is widely recognized as the nation’s leading Republican polling firm, listing 15
What is the
The Oregon Business Plan is an effort by the state’s business leaders to create 25, 000 new jobs across
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