Managing your money has benefits! Frees up time to do the things you enjoy; less stress is better health; achieving your goals gives you satisfaction; and greater control of your finances brings peace of mind. Learn how to build your own budget at a free financial workshop Build A Basic Budget: The Five-Step Spending Plan on November 29, 6pm at Mid Oregon Credit Union,
The presenter will be Bob Mullins of Money Management International. Call 541-382-1795 to reserve your seat. Refreshments will be served.
Knowing where you are and where you want to be is the key to any successful plan. The best way to get where you want to go is to draw your own budget roadmap.
This class spells out five easy steps to setting up your budget, helps you make informed choices, shows you how you can live within your means, and how to stay motivated.
Mid Oregon Credit Union offers free financial workshops throughout the year, go to their website for upcoming topics.