With the just-released third and final report of the United Nations’ IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) 5th global climate assessment since 1990, the need to implement responsible solutions to the significant problems caused by climate change is clearer than ever. The world’s leading experts in climate science have stressed the urgency to act based on volumes of verified research and their understanding of climatic trends.
On April 28, the Bend chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) www.citizensclimatelobby.org, in partnership with The Environmental Center, is hosting a free webinar presentation and discussion on this potentially powerful solution.
According to the report, global carbon emissions (oil, gas and coal) must be cut by 40-70 percent by 2050. To that end, carbon taxes, and what to do with the revenue they create, have become an increasingly important topic around the world and in the United States, including the Pacific Northwest, as an economically efficient and market-driven way to combat climate change and help countries cut carbon emissions and eventually transition to clean sources of energy like solar, wind and geothermal.
The featured speaker will be Jeff Renfro, Senior Economist with the Northwest Economic Research Center (NERC) at Portland State University, and co-author of its foundational study, “Carbon Tax and Shift: How to Make it Work for Oregon’s Economy,” (March 2013) www.pdx.edu/nerc/carbontax2013.pdf. Mr. Renfro, who will be presenting from his office in Portland, is the lead researcher on NERC’s new research commissioned as part of the bipartisan study bill (SB 306) passed by the Oregon Legislature to examine how a carbon tax, or “clean air fee,” could be structured in Oregon.
The presentation will address the following: What is a carbon tax? Why a carbon tax and how does it work? Can a carbon tax be good for Oregon’s economy? Where can jobs be gained? How many emissions can be reduced? How can revenue be used? What are the directives for the new study and how it will help drive decision-making for the state of Oregon relative to climate change impacts on farming, ranching, wildfires and drought, food and water shortages, poverty, tourism, the fishing and shellfish industry, and even the wine industry?
Jana Gastellum, Program Director for Climate Protection with the Oregon Environmental Council will also be speaking. Jana will provide a context for carbon pricing policies in Oregon.
The Bend Citizens’ Climate Lobby chapter, the only chapter east of the Cascades, one of six in Oregon and over 160 in the United States, is a non-profit committed to creating the political will to enact national legislation implementing a carbon tax and dividend solution to help decrease climate change impacts.
What: Webinar on Climate Change Solution: Can a Carbon Tax be Good for Oregon’s Economy?Who: Jeff Renfro, Senior Economist, Northwest Economic Research Center at Portland State University
When: Monday, April 28, 5:00-6:30 p.m. (registration starts at 4:30 p.m.)
Where: First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., downtown Bend
Why: To introduce the potential impact of a carbon tax & dividend policy on climate change in Oregon.
Cost: Free. Refreshments will be provided.
Please RSVP as space is limited: www.bend@citizensclimatelobby.org