Participate in Safety Break for Oregon May 14


Oregon’s Occupational Safety and Health Division (Oregon OSHA) is encouraging employers across Oregon to promote safety and health in their workplace during Safety Break for Oregon on Wednesday, May 14. Employers can participate by hosting a safety training, award recognition event, or hands-on demonstrations.   

Oregon OSHA coordinates the one-day event, designed to raise awareness and promote the value of safety and health in preventing on-the-job injuries and illnesses. The voluntary event, which occurs on the second Wednesday in May, is flexible so employers can determine what activities are beneficial to their workforce. 

“Employers can use this day to have an impact on the future of their workers’ safety and health,” said Michael Wood, Oregon OSHA administrator. “It’s a great time to celebrate safety achievements, have fun with training, or start a conversation about safety and health goals.” 
Safety Break encourages employees and management to work together on identifying safety and health concerns. The result of this cooperation can lead to fewer injuries and reduced workers’ compensation costs for employers.

Companies planning to participate will be entered to win one of three $100 pizza luncheons when they sign up online by Friday, May 9. The prizes will be given to participating companies as part of a random drawing. The Oregon SHARP Alliance is sponsoring the contest.

For more information, ideas on how to host an event, or to download graphics, go the Safety Break for Oregon website at Oregon OSHA, a division of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, enforces the state’s workplace safety and health rules and works to improve workplace safety and health for all Oregon workers. For more information, go to or find us at

The Department of Consumer and Business Services is Oregon’s largest business regulatory and consumer protection agency. For more information, go to Follow DCBS on Twitter: Receive consumer help and information on insurance, mortgages, investments, workplace safety, and more.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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