Wizards will wow families and raise funds for Cascade Middle School’s Sparrow. Get ready for show-stopping hoops. Cascade Middle School’s Sparrow Club is once again bringing back basketball and entertainment sensations, The Harlem Wizards, and their aerodynamic athleticism and high-energy comedy show to Bend. They were brought to Bend by the school in 2012. This time around they will perform at the Summit High School gym on Friday, May 9. Doors open at 5:30 pm and the 2-hour show begins at 6:30pm.
The laugh-out-loud show will not only provide two hours of unforgettable family time, but will also help raise money for the Cascade Middle School Sparrow Club, which helps cover medical and tutoring expenses for its Sparrow, 8th grader Corey.
The best part is that you don’t have to empty your wallet to catch all the action! While similar sporting events like the Harlem Globetrotters will have you shelling out $20 to $70 a ticket, you can treat your entire family to a fun-filled evening with the Harlem Wizards for just $9-15 per ticket! 22 special $25 “Courtside Plus” tickets are available. They include a 10-15 minute special meet and greet before the game, front row preferred seats, a Harlem Wizards lanyard, a large keepsake ticket and a poster. The fun will also feature local celebrities, including Kevin Boss and Alan Embree. Others to be announced soon.
Jenny Cox, Co-Coordinater of Cascade Middle School’s Sparrow Club Advisory Team, says the ticket sales from the last Harlem Wizards game raised around $6,000 for their 2012 Sparrow and his family’s medical expenses. “We are hoping the community will come together again to help another very deserving family.” Cox added that the Cascade student body has already stepped up to help out. “Since the kick-off of our Sparrow Project in October, students have contributed hundreds of hours of community service, which is how they ‘earn’ a donation from the Cascade Middle School Sparrow Club’s main sponsor, Les Schwab Tires, of up to $2560. This money will go directly to helping with Corey’s medical and tutoring expenses.”
Often the Wizards are compared to the Globetrotters by people who have not seen a Wizards show. At a Wizards game, fans will witness amazing basketball talent combined with hilarious comedy. When you’re in the stands, you’re more than a spectator; you’re part of the show with loads of audience participation. Throughout the game, fans will experience a magical display of tricks, coordinated ball handling, fancy passing, high-energy comedy and audience interaction. The experience can only be summed up in two words: Awe-Inspiring!
Who: Harlem Wizards vs. Cascade Middle School, Mountaineer All Stars
When: Thursday May 9, 2012 @ 6:30 pm (Doors Open at 5:30 pm)
Where: Summit High School Gymnasium
Tickets: Available to buy online now (only until May 8 at 4 pm) at www.harlemwizards.com/homepage.php or at Bend LaPine School District’s website: www.touchbase.bend.k12.or.us/
Tickets also on sale at Sparrow Clubs USA Main Office, 906 NE Greenwood, suite #2 in Bend. Cash or check only.
All profits will be split with the Harlem Wizards.
Online Prices: Student $9, General $12 (plus small service fee at Wizards site). Online sales through May 8 at 5 pm only! Purchase early to avoid missing out.
Door Prices: Students $10, General $15 (subject to availability) Cash and check only at the door.
About Harlem Wizards
Started in 1962 by New York Sports promoter Howie Davis, and now celebrating 50 years of Wizardry, he envisioned a show and organization that would put a different spin on show basketball. Fifty years later the Wizards are an institution, creating awe-inspiring fundraiser events for schools will be raised, while smiles and enthusiasm for the Wizards matchup vs teachers, coaches and community leaders will abound. Whereas an NBA team’s success is measured in wins and losses, the Wizards’victories lie in the millions of smiles they are responsible for and the millions of dollars raised for charitable organizations, schools, and foundations across the world. Since 1962, the Wizards have been making history with the happiness, fun, goodwill and excitement they bring.
About Sparrow Clubs USA
Sparrow Clubs USA, headquartered in Bend, Oregon, is proof that you’re never too young to make a difference. As the nation’s only youth-based charity of its kind, Sparrow Clubs not only provides financial and emotional support for critically ill children and their families, but also empowers kids to help kids through charitable service to their communities. Thanks to sponsorship funding, the Sparrow family, school and community benefit in immeasurable ways.