NeighborImpact Celebrates Completion of Food Warehouse


NeighborImpact, in conjunction with the Redmond Chamber of Commerce, recently held a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to celebrate the completion of a major Food Bank Warehouse Expansion Project this year. The Redmond-based food warehouse is at 2303 SW First Street.

NeighborImpact reached its goal to raise $100,000 for the completion of the project, which included grants from Meyer Memorial Trust, The Oregon Food Bank and money raised locally.

NeighborImpact’s Food Bank installed a new freezer which was two and half times larger than the previous one, increased non perishable food storage space by three times and created a 900 square foot food repacking area. NeighborImpact’s Food Bank is part of a statewide network of food banks for the Oregon Food Bank and is the hub for the Central Oregon emergency food system.

With the region’s dramatic increase in numbers of people accessing emergency food sites, the expansion was critical to NeighborImpact’s ability to supply local pantries with nutritious food. Currently 14,500 people are accessing emergency food locations each month in the tri county area.

In concurrence with the ribbon cutting, NeighborImpact also dedicated its Redmond Head Start Center in honor of Jonathan C. McKim, a long-time member of the NeighborImpact board of directors and an advocate for early care and education in Central Oregon and for community action to empower low-income individuals to succeed and become engaged citizens in our community.


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