Nothing Taboo about Healthy Hoo Hoo – Feminine Care New Product Made in Bend, Oregon


(Photo above: Healthy HooHoo creator, Stacy Lyon, gal pals around with Real Housewives of New York star Kristen Taekman at an event in New York | courtesy of Healthy HooHoo)

In 2009, Bend resident Stacy Lyon learned her good friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. Further diagnostics revealed that in addition to the cancer, parabens (preservatives used in cosmetics and pharmaceutical products) were found in the surrounding breast tissue. Frustrated and curious, Lyon sought out to find the underlying cause of how such harmful toxins enter and spread in the body.

“I felt so unaware. I pride myself in knowing health related information and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. And when I heard she had parabens I had to research what that even was!” said Lyon.

With guidance and insights from a naturopath and gynecologist, Stacy spent hours reading about optimal feminine care. Her research exposed that most mass-marketed cleansers and body washes are composed of toxic detergents, dyes, parabens and synthetic fragrances.

“It’s in so many of our products, it’s not like it’s only your face cleanser or lotion; it’s in nearly every cosmetic, cleansing and beauty product. And here’s something I’m doing everyday and putting on my skin every morning. After reading about all these chemicals you start to wonder if it’s worth it.”

Working alongside one of the nation’s premier natural product formulation chemists, Stacy was determined to create the best natural feminine cleansing products. Her goal: provide a healthier cleansing option for women of all ages interested in the well being of their intimate area.

“To find quality ingredients you have to dig deep,” said Lyon. “I worked with the best natural chemist who could tell you three layers deeper than you could ever find on Google about any cosmetic or beauty product.”

Starting with the basic idea of ‘what will work down there’, Lyon and her team built up a formula that they tested, improved and perfected through many phases of trial and error. As a result Healthy Hoo Hoo was born; a line of feminine freshness products free of harsh chemicals, fragrances and parabens.

“The name is very much on purpose. This topic is so taboo yet so important, so I thought, let’s make it entertaining so women can be informed and healthy,” said Lyon.

Lyon mentioned that with the Personal Care Products Safety Act pending approval in the near future, women are about to become more aware of the ingredients and safety of the products they are using.

As for the future of Healthy Hoo Hoo, there is more in store, “I have been advised to keep my blinders on for now, but I plan to extend the line that looks out for feminine health and possibly start a non-related line for men.”

To learn more about each of Healthy Hoo Hoo’s products and where to buy them visit


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