Online CBD Sales Expected to Increase During Covid-19 Pandemic


With worldwide panic on the rise during the Covid-19 Pandemic, some businesses are projecting markedly increased sales growth over the 2020 fiscal year. is one of the world’s leading CBD manufacturers, and is a business that can expect to see these increased sales first hand. CBDfx offers organic CBD products that are considered some of the highest quality on the market. With an established client base, highly reputable products, and an online marketplace, this company stands to gain a fair amount of business given the fact that so many people are staying home and shopping online to avoid Covid-19.   

Covid-19 first surfaced in WuHan market place in China, early June 2020. Covid-19 quickly spread throughout China and made its way to Europe, where people began to contract the virus at an alarming rate. During the outbreak containment was impossible for a number of factors. It became increasingly difficult to track the virus and as people continued to travel throughout the world the virus spread. 

When Covid-19 reached the U.K, the number of infected people again grew rapidly and exponentially. Italy closed its borders to the world. Then the United Kingdom followed suit and closed their borders. Now it is official. Covid-19 is a pandemic. The U.S has not only closed their borders, but like much of Europe and the United Kingdom, have initiated lockdowns. In the U.S there are 70 million people in three different states that are under strict orders to stay home. 

This lockdown has proven difficult for individuals and businesses throughout the United States and the world. Many businesses have been given an order to close shop and send their employees home. In this state of lockdown the U.S government is adamant about keeping only essential businesses open in an attempt to keep people from going out and interacting with each other thus spreading the virus. Many establishments such as bars, restaurants and nightclubs will be closed. There have been many vitamin, supplement, and CBD shops that have been ordered to shut down as well, being that they are considered “non-essential” businesses. 

This provides a great deal of opportunity for online retailers and manufacturers that sell the majority of their goods through their own website, and online marketplace, or other various forms of online sales and distribution. With people staying home in fear of Covid-19, these online sales are expected to increase a great deal. Not only are people forced to stay home, they are in fear of going out, and so many of the places they would normally buy products are closed indefinitely.

That being said, at this point the future is fairly hard to predict in regards to the well being of humanity as a whole, but also online sales. A good example of this, again, is the CBD industry. CBD has become incredibly popular with the public, and manufacturers have created a wide variety of products to meet the needs and desires of their clients. From CBD gummies, oil tinctures and E-liquids to CBD pet treats, face masks, and topical creams, CBD manufacturers like have thought of just about everything they can infuse CBD into. This has helped amass a cult following of CBD users across the U.S. So if the clients are not the issue, what could stop the profits from rolling in for the online sales giants? The possibility that the transport of goods could get shut down because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Many countries are restricting and in some cases banning international travel until the Covid-19 virus is under control and no longer poses the risk of being a worldwide catastrophe. Given these facts, it is not far fetched to think that there could be a ban on the transport of goods between states or even cities. If this were to happen it would cause not only shortages of food and medical supply, but it could also be a hindrance to online companies and marketplaces that depend on being able to transport their products from state to state.

If a single truck driver or someone in charge of transporting goods were to get sick it could spell disaster for thousands of people. Oftentimes young, healthy individuals don’t even show signs of carrying Covid-19. They don’t feel or appear sick. They are able and willing to work, but are blissfully unaware that by walking around the inside of a truck with packages for hundreds of people, that they are contaminating most of the items that they are coming into contact with. If these items are then distributed to people, those people stand a higher risk of infection. If a hundred people were to get sick from one contaminated truck, and those 100 people each got 10 more people sick, then we would have 1,000 people sick from one truck driver doing his or her job, unaware that they are even sick.

The risk of this happening could motivate officials to close down the shipping industry until the Covid-19 pandemic has been contained to some degree. Though this is just speculation and has not yet happened, it is possible that this would cause any of the projected sales growth to fall more than a bit short of what is expected. 

As long as the shipping of goods remains the same, online retailers, and especially online CBD retailers stand to gain financially from the crisis at hand. This is not because they are capitalizing on the Covid-19 pandemic, it is because this is a situation that just happens to put them in a position where they meet the market needs. You can stay at home and avoid getting infected with this terrible virus and still get the products you need or want by shopping online. This situation is one where the buyer not only gets the product they want but enjoys the added health benefit of doing so from the safety of their own home.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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