OSU-Cascades Science Pub Focuses on Bioinformatics & Chlamydia


Oregon State University – Cascades continues its Science Pub offerings with a presentation by OSU-Cascades alumnus and OSU doctoral candidate, Tim Putman. Putman, a biomedical researcher in OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine, will present Genome Sequencing, Bioinformatics and Chlamydia: Decoding a Pathogen of Ill Repute on Tuesday, August 19 in Father Luke’s Room at McMenamins in Bend.

Putman will examine the chlamydiae, one of the most ubiquitous bacterial parasites in the world, with species that infect hosts at every animal level. In addition to the notorious genital tract infection, chlamydia species are the leading cause of infectious blindness worldwide, threaten koalas with extinction and even occupy a spot on the Center for Disease Control bioterrorism threat list.

He will also explore how OSU biomedical researchers are combining innovative laboratory science with the cutting-edge technologies of genome sequencing and bioinformatic analysis to understand how these pathogens work, and discover what can be learned from the research.
Science Pubs take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Networking and food and beverage service begin at 5:30 p.m., and the presentation begins at 6:30 p.m. Science Pubs are free to community members, but reservations are required. Space is limited to 100 guests.

To register, visit www.osucascades.edu/sciencepubs.
RSVP online by 5pm the day prior to each Science Pub.


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