The State of Oregon through its agencies: Oregon Housing and Community Services, Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Business Development Department, are seeking public comments for our priorities for housing and community development on the Oregon Proposed 2019 Annual Action Plan (AAP).
The AAP addresses the use of HOME Investment Partnership Program, National Housing Trust Fund, Community Development Block Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Housing Opportunities for People with HIV/AIDS funds and Oregon Fair Housing Issues for the program year January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019.
All Oregon residents are invited to submit comments during the 30-day public comment period beginning May 14, 2018 and ending June 14, 2019. Written comments may be submitted to Oregon Housing and Community Services; attention Rick Ruzicka, Operations and Policy Analyst, 725 Summer Street NE, Suite B, Salem, Oregon 97301-1266, or by e-mail at Verbal comments may be submitted by calling 503-986-6824. Comments are due no later than Monday, June 13, 2019 at 5pm.
A copy of the Proposed 2019 AAP, and attachments, are available at Oregon Housing and Community Services at, or visit 725 Summer Street NE, Ste. 200, Salem, Oregon.
People who are deaf or hearing-impaired may use the TTY by calling 503-986-2100, or the 711/Oregon Relay Service. People needing copies in other languages or other accommodation should contact Joe Saltarello,, at 503-986-5215 at the earliest convenience.
Las personas sordas o con impedimentos auditivos pueden usar un TTY llamando al 503-986-2100, o al servicio de relevos 711/Oregon. Las personas que necesitan copias en otros idiomas u otro acomodación deben comunicarse con, al 503-986-5215 a la brevedad posible.
Questions, concerns, or requests for information in alternative formats from individuals with disabilities must be submitted to before June 14, 2019.
Oregon Housing and Community Services programs are administered in a nondiscriminatory manner, consistent with Equal Opportunity Employment Opportunities, Affirmative Action, and Fair Housing requirements.