(Photo by April Lewis)
Milestone Reached in Redevelopment for Family Entertainment Center
The Redmond Urban Renewal Agency announced the approval of the purchase of the buildings and land located at 716 SW Evergreen Avenue in downtown Redmond. This investment puts Redmond one step closer to the development of a Family Entertainment Center in the heart of downtown.
The sale includes the land and all buildings other than the structure at the southeast corner known as the Thornburg building.
“When the city made the decision to renovate Evergreen Elementary School building, part of the reason was to free up the existing City Hall for a public/private redevelopment. This purchase gets us one step closer to a Family Entertainment Center at that,” says Mayor George Endicott.
The vision for the Urban Renewal Plan is to make investments that create a vibrant downtown with a mixture of offices, specialty shops, entertainment, family amenities, housing, and other commercial uses.
More information on the Redmond Urban Renewal Plan can be found online at: http://www.ci.redmond.or.us/government/departments/community-development/economic-development/urban-renewal. If you would like to learn more about Redmond’s Urban Renewal programs, contact Chuck Arnold, Urban Renewal Program Manager, at (541) 923-7761 or email chuck.arnold@ci.redmond.or.us