The Central Oregon Health Council’s Regional Health Improvement Plan (RHIP) Clinical Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) workgroup is requesting proposals from marketing firms to create a blood pressure messaging campaign aimed at reaching all adults in Central Oregon. Our region is defined as Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson (including the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs) and northern Klamath County (Chemult and Gilchrist).
The following facts are provided by the American Heart Association (
- Nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure. (Many don’t even know they have it.)
- High blood pressure is a “silent killer”. Most of the time there are no obvious symptoms.
- Certain physical traits and lifestyle choices can put you at a greater risk for high blood pressure.
- When left untreated, the damage that high blood pressure does to your circulatory system is a significant contributing factor to heart attack, stroke and other health threats.
- The RHIP Clinical CVD workgroup seeks a consulting company to develop and implement a community-wide messaging campaign in Central Oregon targeting all adults. The messages will focus on: (a) motivating adults to know their blood pressure, (b) what is healthy and high blood pressure, and (c) what to do if their blood pressure is high.
The contractor will work closely with the RHIP Clinical CVD workgroup to develop the campaign. The scope of work will include material development, media outlet placement, monitoring, and evaluation.
Components of Work:
- Development of campaign materials and testing in varied communities throughout the region.
- Development of a media plan and materials.
- Implementation of campaign.
- Campaign timelines and budgets indicating specific materials placement, associated costs, printing needs, etc.
- Evaluation of the campaign.
Contractor will be required to report back to the RHIP Clinical CVD workgroup at 30-days post launch and upon completion of the campaign.
To apply, please submit a campaign outline and budget sheet by end of day February 18, 2019. Funds will be awarded by March 31, 2019 and the goal launch date is June 15, 2019.
Please contact the following individual for an questions or to submit a proposal and budget:
Rebeckah Berry
COHC Operations and Project Manager