Rod Ray to Deliver Evening Workshops Focused on Leadership Development


(Rod Ray is a member of the OSU-Cascades Advocacy and Advisory Board. He is the former chief executive officer of Bend Research, Inc., where he worked for over 30 years. BRI was purchased in 2014 by Capsugel, and Rod remains involved as a member of the company’s scientific and business advisory board. In addition to his expertise in advancing pharmaceutical processes and products, Ray has extensive experience commercializing diverse products for the electronics, energy, medical, agricultural and space industries. He is a consultant and board member for various pharmaceutical and technological companies. Rod holds a master’s degree and doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Colorado, and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Oregon State University | Photo courtesy of OSU-Cascades)


Rod Ray, a Central Oregon community leader and former president and chief executive of Bend Research, will conduct a four-session leadership course this fall at Oregon State University-Cascades for managers and team leaders working in the business or nonprofit sectors.


“Fundamentals of Leadership” starts on October 16 and will be offered from 5:30 to 7:45pm on Wednesdays through November 6 in Obsidian Hall, Room 204 on the OSU-Cascades campus.  Registration is $79 plus a $35 application fee.

The course will highlight dynamic aspects of leadership and include the importance of vision, the principles and values behind effective leadership, how to motivate individuals and teams and tools for delegating.


Participants will also be taught how to apply what they learn in the course into their own businesses and organizations, and into their personal management practices.

For more information or to register, visit or call 541-706-2101. Registration can also be taken in person at the first class on October 16.


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