Saving Grace Seeks Participants for Advocacy Training


Saving Grace is currently accepting applications for its semi-annual advocacy training. This 40-hour training—held over three weeks in October—prepares volunteers to work directly with survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault seeking services from Saving Grace.

Participants gain the necessary background and skills to assist with a wide-range of services including: answering hotline calls, assisting shelter residents, facilitating support groups, working with children, responding to sexual assault survivors at the hospital and assisting with restraining orders. Saving Grace currently has a particular need for hotline and hospital response volunteers as well as support group facilitators.

The October training kicks off on Saturday, October 1 and runs through Thursday, October 20, with sessions on Saturdays and Tuesday and Thursday evenings. For those willing to make a volunteer commitment of at least one year, the training fee is $75. For those unable to commit to a year, or who are taking the training for academic or professional enrichment, the fee is $150.

For the full training schedule, please visit

Saving Grace provides comprehensive service to survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking and promotes the value of living life free from violence.  For more information or to register for this training, please call or email Emma 541-504-2550 or Applications will be accepted through Friday, September 30.


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