What are you doing this week? The upcoming film, new exhibit opening or concert trending on social media all vie for your attention. We know the options are infinite, but time is limited. Whether you recently moved here or are ready to rediscover arts and culture in Central Oregon, how do you start enjoying the experiences that suit you best? Adopt a curiosity mindset and try one — or all — of these ideas:
Lean Into It
Be proactive. Check online calendars, pick up print guides and newspapers, slow down and look at bulletin boards, check social media and listen to local radio. Ask your new friends, colleagues and neighbors for their recommendations.
Explore the Maybe
It’s easy to say “Yes” to big name headliners and well-known shows. Even easier to say “Pass” on performers and genres you’re just not interested in. Here’s a challenge: try an event or two that only slightly sparks or intrigues you. Buy a cheap seat if the time and price is right. But arrive in time for the opening act and stay for the encore.
Accept the Mission
Bend is full of stages — in plant stores, breweries, hotels, art galleries, even in the heart of downtown on Wall Street. Our largest art collections are in traffic roundabouts, alleys and parking garages. In Bend, one size does not fit all. That means one of the greatest satisfactions of living here is discovering your own favorites — beers, restaurants, venues, performers, or food trucks you stumble upon only to discover they make your Top 10 in Bend for years to come.
Volunteer for Your Passion
Give your time and talent; meet folks with similar interests; experience what you love — for free! Films? Volunteer at BendFilm. Folk & Americana? Work with Sisters Folk Festival. History? Contact Deschutes Historical Museum and High Desert Museum. Professional performing arts performances, concerts and film? The Tower Theatre has an active community of volunteers ready to welcome you.
You Came. You Saw. You Joined.
Become a member of a nonprofit arts or cultural organization. Research the organization and benefits that make your future visits much more enjoyable. And joining is tax-deductible.
You didn’t check your love of arts and culture at the Oregon border. Find another version of that favorite Northern California or Southern Washington theatre or club in your new zip code. Remember you moved here for something new, a reboot, not a duplication of what you just left.
There are many pathways to find connection and feel a sense of community through arts and culture. The invitation to show up for the arts is perpetual. The opportunities are ample to define your own cultural experience. Find what resonates with you and embrace the journey.