Steps To Building An Even Better Business


Running your own business is challenging and exciting. After a while, you adapt to the environment and feel pretty good about what you’ve built. This is exactly the time you should take a step back and evaluate where you’re at and how to improve.

Being a business owner means you’re in charge of the future of the company and what happens next. The pressure is on you to deliver even better results the following year. This is the perfect time to start mind mapping ways to enhance the current structure and improve the working conditions for all. See steps to building an even better business.

Cost Savings

It’s a good idea to implement advanced financial control. Review your budgets and previous numbers and see where it’s possible to cut. This is the only way to know where you stand. It’s a good gauge for letting you know if you’re going to be able to expand the company even further. Look at all aspects of the business from sales and marketing costs to rent. For example, commercial electricity rates in Texas will be different than what they are around the country. Figure out what your monthly bills are and compare rates to try and reduce the costs. There are ways to save if you’re smart about managing your bills and money. Another option is to move locations if it’s going to be cheaper.

Hire Smart

Turnover is a big problem, and it’s expensive. Avoid these costs by hiring smart. Have the right people conducting the interviews and ask the appropriate questions. Take your time and don’t rush to fill positions because you’re anxious to hire. Confirm it’s a good fit before you hire a new employee by implementing a structured hiring process. Work ahead so you don’t’ feel pressured to put someone in a position just to get the seat filled. Encourage recommendations from others and meet the candidate several times, so you’re confident in your choice. It makes it easier on everyone in the company when you take your time and do it right.

Improved Organization

Now’s the time to get organized and put all of your documents in order. The more organized the head of the company is, the better off the employees are in the long run. You need a solid structure in place to succeed. Improve your organizational skills with tools and gadgets and share the ideas with the entire company. Implement processes and procedures and paperless options. Efficiency is key to running a business that’s prepared to thrive. It starts at the top and will trickle down to the rest of the team. This will help you look more professional in front of your company and clients.

Upgrade Technology

Be willing to look at your technology and invest in an upgrade if it’s necessary. You want programs in place that allow employees to work efficiently and not make them have to deal with paper files. Explore your options and hire an IT consultant if you need guidance on the proper solution. The business world is changing, and it’s online now. Selling your services or products online is another area your business can look into. Put your products and services online and start connecting with customers on the Internet. Improve your website and open social media accounts to manage your business in the online space. All of these enhancements will improve the experience for your customers and employees, so you can’t go wrong.

Strong Customer Relationships

Focus your energy on your customers. Make it a priority to invest time and energy in them. Check their satisfaction scores and get to know their likes and dislikes. Ask for feedback and schedule time to meet with them individually. There are products to sell, but there’s also a brand to represent. Build a brand people can trust and that they want to do business with. Offer a personal experience to make customers feel special and appreciated. You want them to have a positive connection with your company. If they feel good about it, then they’ll go and tell their friends and family about it and spread the word for you. Turn customers into loyal advocates who you can depend on to tell others about how great your business is and why they should work with you.

Develop your Teams

Hire smart, but don’t forget about your teams after you’ve got them on board. Develop working relationships and be there for each other to get the work done the right way the first time. Implement strategies and get feedback from your employees. Hold special training sessions and meetings to make sure everyone’s on the same page. Put someone in charge who reports to you and manages the entire team to make sure it’s all going smoothly. Provide them with new skills and learning opportunities that keep them on their toes. Give them opportunities to apply for promotions and offer up suggestions for making improvements. Let them know they’re valued and appreciated often. Give them the flexibility and freedom to make mistakes and suggest enhancements.

Open Communication

Open up the lines of communication at your company. Schedule regular check ins with employees and teams to understand how everyone’s doing. Get the company together and hold brainstorming sessions and update meetings. Let employees voice their concerns and ask questions on a regular basis. Encourage teams to meet and talk about projects and issues as they arise. Make it a point to communicate with your leadership team and pass down appropriate information to your staff. Send out emails that contain important information so everyone’s updated in a timely manner. Let your company know it’s a goal of yours to communicate better and ask them to do the same.


Your business is always changing and challenging you to improve your performance. Instead of getting discouraged, think of it as a way to make your customers happier, and your business to run steadier. These are steps to building an even better business.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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