Take a SWIG of Branding


An Indispensible New Blog You Need to Follow

Dashing, debonair and dressed to the nines, Cary Grant strolls into a 60’s Air Hostess convention. Heads turn, the room grows silent. The guy had presence, a certain panache sorely lacking in today’s often mundane marketing and advertising scene.

It’s not difficult to find a plethora of trendy advice on the latest digital marketing tool or technique—there’s a cacophony of articles, blogs and videos that all look and sound about the same. With so many voices and choices, making the best marketing decisions for your business can be an overwhelming proposition. What’s been missing from the picture is the voice of wisdom—a solid metanarrative of foundational advice that makes sense of it all.

A SWIG of Branding, Timeless Tips for Top-Shelf Marketing, is a new service created by Intrepid Marketing of Bend that brings together classic core principles of their trade to help you build a solid foundation for intoxicating brand development. With definitive flair, SWIG offers timeless wisdom and the kind of marketing mastery achieved by the “Mad Men” of Madison Avenue—enduring principles that remain indispensable, regardless of technological innovations.

Thoroughly entertaining and timelessly thought-provoking content will be shared in a weekly blog (www.SwigofBranding.com). A full range of topics will be explored, covering just about every aspect of marketing and branding from traditional wisdom to 21st-Century digital techniques.

The entrepreneurial arena is vast and varied, with millions of companies vying to create a voice that captures the imagination and generates sales. Knowledge of the latest social media channel, or disconnected ad campaigns just aren’t enough to get noticed. SWIG will help you navigate the ever-more-complicated world of marketing with a thread of style, creativity and solid strategy woven through all your brand communications.

SWIG lays a foundation that will guide everyone from the marketing director to the small business owner through the “Fire Swamp” of ever-changing technology (while avoiding the “Rodents of Unusual Size”). Want a mentor to make your marketing “Top Shelf?” To quote another debonair leading man named Cary (Elwes), “As you wish!” Check out www.SwigofBranding.com.

Andrea Walker is Business Director for Intrepid Marketing, a leading Bend, Oregon marketing agency. For more information, contact Andrea at 541-633-6435 or Andrea@intrepidforward.com


About Author

Andrea Walker is Business Director for Intrepid Marketing, a leading Bend, Oregon marketing agency. For more information, contact Andrea at 541-633-6435 or Andrea@intrepidforward.com.

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