Intrepid Captain Cook
The swirling winds roared. Crashing waves moved through what were already 30-foot seas. The assistant captain screamed over the cacophony: “Captain Cook, what should we do? We are in uncharted waters and this storm is very angry!”
The steely-eyed Captain Cook, as was his habit, stood firmly erect against the storm and shouted resolutely: “STAY THE COURSE! We are well prepared to ride out this storm. Have faith! My experience and my gut tell me that we are almost to the other side of the tempest.”
As usual, the entire crew drew courage and comfort from the Captain’s rare combination of navigational and seamanship skills, raw courage and a nearly unrivaled capacity to lead his team under extremely adverse conditions—including this storm, whose nuances he had been carefully observing from the first thunder. Indeed, it turned out that his years of hard-won experience were signaling to him quite accurately regarding the probable future. The seas started to calm relatively soon, and the sturdy ship continued its profound journey into new territory.
In his three unprecedented voyages of discovery, Captain Cook sailed thousands of miles across largely uncharted areas of the globe, commanding the HMS Resolution, an appropriately named ship!
On his first exploration of virgin territory, Cook had demonstrated by circumnavigating New Zealand that it was not attached to some larger landmass to the south. He also mapped lands from New Zealand to Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean in significant detail, and on a vast scale never previously achieved. As he progressed on these voyages of discovery, he surveyed and named almost innumerable key features. This diligent cartography work was of enormous value to subsequent explorers.
Captain Cook’s adventures have much to teach those of us within the modern business world. We are living during a time of such rapid and continuous change that it at times can create what has been termed “future shock.” This is especially the case within the digital realm. Every day seems to bring new territory to comprehend and more fully explore.
In this challenging environment, will you have the courage to try new things with a firm, intrepid spirit? If so, you must educate yourself, and pay great attention to the nuances and details of modern marketing, where subtle shifts in strategy can lead to outsized gains. Know which way the winds are blowing so you can sail toward your goals.
As you continue your courageous journey navigating toward your goals, remember the example of Captain Cook. Make your marketing an adventure, and don’t be afraid to explore options that can take you further than you could imagine!
To read more about the compelling story of Captain Cook, check out these books:
The Explorations of Captain James Cook in the Pacific: As Told by Selections of His Own Journals, and, Farther Than Any Man: The Rise and Fall of Captain James Cook
Kelly Walker is creative director for Intrepid Marketing, a leading Bend, Oregon marketing agency. For more information, contact Kelly at 541-419-9976 or