The Center Foundation in Bend, Oregon Holding On-Line Fundraiser This Week Only


$10 Buys Good Helmet for a Kid or a Concussion Baseline.

The Center Foundation needs the community’s help with its first on-line fundraiser during the week of June 15-19 with the focus on brain and spinal cord injury prevention programs.

Love Your Brain is a safety awareness and fundraising campaign designed to continue public awareness about the importance of helmets and identification of youth concussion and raise funds to sustain The Center Foundation helmet and concussion programs. The goal is to raise $10,000 in five days which will purchase several hundred helmets and dozens of concussion tests.

Last year The Center Foundation distributed 800 no-cost bike helmets to local youngsters, conducted over 1,000 concussion baseline tests and assisted over 100 concussed youth. The cost of a traumatic brain injury can be in the millions and our goal is to help prevent those injuries.

No amount is too small. To donate, please go to


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