Managing your money isn’t something that everyone finds easy to do. Emergencies happen all the time too, and sometimes you may need to look at utilising outside help such as a pay day loan to see you through. The upcoming winter is most likely going to be a tough one in the UK, as the cost of living crisis impacts the economy even further. While you can’t control things like inflation and the strength of the pound, there are things that you can do to ease the burdens they bring. So, keep reading and discover the best tips that will help you avoid financial pressure in the UK this winter.
Shop Smarter
One of the best ways you can save money is by being smarter with how and where you shop. While you may be used to a usual routine of heading to the same supermarket each week, changing it up can really help you to save a lot. Try comparing the prices of the supermarkets near you and see which one is the cheapest overall. This way you’ll be able to make your weekly shop a whole lot cheaper. You might even head to multiple different shops to make use of the offers they have on at that time too. This isn’t viable for everyone, but it can work quite well if you know where the best offers are. Try making a list when you go shopping too, as it’s very easy to stray from what you had in mind once you start seeing all the other items in the shop. You’ll find it much easier to only buy what you need if you have it all listed out in front of you!
Be Careful With Energy
Energy bills are something that people are extremely worried about this winter, and for a good reason. With climbing prices and cold days ahead, it’s no wonder people are concerned about the dent it’s going to make in their wallets. But you can try to use less energy and still stay warm if you know what to do. Wearing more layers is crucial, as you won’t need to have the heating on quite as high or for as long. It’s also a good idea to check for any drafts or cracks that could be letting in cold air and fix them up. While it’s not going to be as easy as simply turning off your heating, trying to ensure that you save warmth where you can is crucial. Don’t leave windows open and don’t accidentally leave it on all day while you’re out of the house. Even lowering the thermostat by a few degrees can really make a difference.
Cancel Unused Subscriptions
We all have subscription services that we pay for nowadays. From Netflix to the gym, it’s easy to rack up close to a £100 in just subscriptions if you’re not careful. Try taking a look at what you’re currently paying for and see if there are any that you could get rid of. It’s also worth speaking to the providers themselves as they may be able to offer you a cheaper package than what you’re currently on too. So, you don’t have to cancel all forms of streaming entertainment that you currently pay for, but don’t overpay for things that you aren’t using. You’ll be surprised at how much you can save in the long run.
Cook Less, Eat More
The price of food has gone up by quite a bit, so it can be hard to make the same meals as you did last winter. Instead of trying to make lots of different meals all the time and spend more money doing so, try making meals that can last longer than just one sitting. This means things like soups, stews, pasta dishes etc are great to make as they can be made in bulk and last you a few days. This also means less cooking, but you get to eat more homemade dishes during the week. You’ll also save a lot of money doing this as ordering takeaways can really put a dent in your spending habits. Try to make dinners that last you more than one night a week, and you’ll be surprised at how much extra money you have left over at the end of the week.
Start Budgeting and Saving
While it’s not going to be easy, you really need to set yourself a budget so that you can make sure you don’t overspend or go without. Take a look at your income and outgoings and see how much money you have left over to work with. You can then split this amount up into a weekly budget and only allow yourself to spend that much per week. Some people like to do daily budgets, but this can make it harder when you try to do weekly shops. So, giving yourself a set amount to spend each week can make it a lot easier for you to stay on track and actually save money. Try putting little bits of your budget away each week or if you have any money left over at the end of the week, pop it into your savings. It may not seem like much at the time, but it soon adds up when you make it a regular occurrence. So, don’t overlook the importance of budgeting and saving this winter, and you should be able to ease the pressure slightly.
Winter is hard for most people, what with the holiday season coming and now the cost of living crisis on top. But that doesn’t mean you have to go without. There are things you can take control of and do for yourself to try and relax the stress that you’re under. So, make sure that you take these tips on board this year, and you should be able to enjoy the winter with your family and friends. Hopefully you’ll actually be able to save a little money too!