Sunriver owners will be voting this month on whether to accept a proposal for a bulk services agreement with TDS (BendBroadband) to provide fiber-to-the-home internet service in Sunriver. You can find detailed information on the proposal on the SROA website at and in past Sunriver Scenes.
This is another opportunity to understand the proposal and what your “yes” or “no” vote will mean. Gerhard Beenen, the SROA Board President and Telecommunications Task Force chair, and James Lewis, SROA General Manager, will lead this Town Hall meeting. There will be time at the end to answer your questions related to this topic.
Ballots to vote on this go in the mail January 23. Election closes and ballots must reach SROA no later than noon on February 21.
Tuesday, January 17, 4-5:30pm
Hosted by Sunriver You via Zoom
Click HERE to register