Want to Help Your Forest? Become an Ochoco National Forest Volunteer.


Volunteer Information Night highlights upcoming volunteer opportunities.

The Ochoco National Forest in partnership with the non-profit stewardship organization, Discover Your Forest, is hosting a Volunteer Information Night on May 3 for volunteers who are interested in supporting natural resources, wildlife, range, educational and interpretive programs on the national forest.

The Volunteer Information Night will be held on Wednesday, May 3 from 6-7:30pm at the Ochoco National Forest office, 3160 NE Third Street, in Prineville. The event is focused on recruiting volunteers to serve in many areas. People interested in volunteer opportunities on the Ochoco National Forest are encouraged to attend the event.

Volunteer Rangers represent the Forest Service in a variety of ways, helping to identify and pull invasive weeds, conservation education at fascinating geologic sites, helping with range projects, fence and gate maintenance, and more. Opportunities are at various sites on the Ochoco National Forest.

Please RSVP and/or for more information, contact Stacey Cochran, Discover Your Forest Community Engagement Director, at stacey.cochran@discovernw.org or 541-383-5530 or 541-508-9899 cell.


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