The Bend JOY Project is back for a third consecutive year in 2019 and we’re hoping to take it to new heights. Sign up for a daily text message of JOY by texting bendjoyproject to 332-22. Messages will be delivered through April 30.
Last week we started to trickle out posts on social media. New posters and stickers are now available and this year’s share cards are becoming bookmarks — they should be here in a few short weeks.
So what can you do to help promote the Bend JOY Project?
First, come down to the Ticket Mill in the Old Mill District and pick up whatever promotional material best fits your home, business, classroom, book club, kayak group, etc …
The Ticket Mill is on winter hours right now and is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10am to 6pm with a break from 2-2:30pm for lunch.
Next, make the project your own. We’ve had teachers start JOY journals in their classrooms, art groups paint JOY rocks to leave around town, fitness instructors that kick off their classes with inspiration from share cards and bi-lingual elementary school students that created their own JOY postcards in Spanish. Our website has a downloadable template for making your own share cards, which can be a great start.
Finally, let us know how you’re spreading JOY! Post on our Facebook page, tag us on Instagram, shoot us an email, drop off Polaroids at the Ticket Mill – however you can, keep us in the loop. Kindness is contagious.
Again, thank you for all you do in the name of JOY.